Dates to Remember
Women’s Prayer & Bible Reading
9-9:50 am 1st room left side of the hallway
10:00 am Worship service
Children's Sunday School during sermon time
Revival Christian Church
services 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
in Swahili
translation into English as needed
Men’s Bible Study 9:30 am
Columbia Mall Cafe Court near Barnes & Noble
1st Tuesday evening - Elder’s meeting
(June and July Elder's meeting is June 27th)
Wednesday’s 7 to 8 pm
Jr. High & High School Youth Group Bible Study
Children's class and Adult Bible Study
will resume October 4th
Seasoned Saints
2nd & 4th Thursday's every month 10:00 am
Individual Care Groups Meet Throughout the Week
email or leave voice mail on the church phone number
for times and days